One Piece has been a popular anime series for the past two decades, and its characters have become iconic among fans around the world. From the main protagonist, Luffy, to the supporting cast of the Straw Hat Pirates, each character has their own unique and distinct style that makes them stand out.

If you’re a fan of the series, then you’ve likely thought about cosplaying as one of the Straw Hat Pirates. In this article, we’ll provide you with an ultimate guide to One Piece crew cosplay, including tips and tutorials on how to put together the perfect outfit.

Which are Straw Hat Crew Members :

The Best Guide to One Piece Straw Hat Crew Cosplay! Anime-Manga Costumes

Straw Hat crew is composed by 11 members , which are :

Nico Robin, Nami, Brook, Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy , Jimbei , Tony Tony Chopper, Roronoa Zoro, Franky,Yamato and Usopp.

What You Need To Know About One Piece Cosplay

Before you can start cosplaying as your favorite character from the series, there are a few things you need to know about One Piece cosplay. First and foremost, you need to have a basic understanding of the character you’re cosplaying as. Each character has their own distinct style, so you’ll need to do some research to get an idea of what they look like.

You’ll also need a variety of accessories, such as hats, swords, and jewelry. Lastly, you’ll need to know how to put together the perfect outfit. We’ll provide you with tips and tutorials in the following sections.

Guide of Monkey D. Luffy Cosplay Outfits

Luffy is the captain of the Straw Hats and during all the manga changed many outfits. Here we are going to see only 2 .

Guide of Monkey D. Luffy Cosplay Outfits

If you don’t have time to find it piece by piece , you can buy it directly on amazon ( check amazon ) or the second outfit ( check aliexpress )

To Make Luffy first outfit you need :

-Straw hat

-Red Vest

-Yellow Cloth to use as a Belt

-Blue Jeans Shorts

-Geta Shoes ( check on amazon )

Guide of Monkey D. Luffy Cosplay Outfits

To Make Luffy second outfit you need :

-Straw hat

-Red Kimono

-Yellow Cloth as a Belt

-Geta shoes ( check on amazon )

Find some blue fabric and sew it in different pieces of kimono. Just that and the outfit is complete.

Guide of Roronoa Zoro Cosplay Outfits

Zoro is the second member that joined the crew. He too had changed many outfits during all the manga .

If you wanna buy directly the outfits you can check on aliexpress or amazon by clicking the links ( first outfit ) ( second outfit )

This are the 2 main outfits :

Guide of Roronoa Zoro Cosplay Outfits

To make Zoro first outfit :

-Black with Green tone Bandana

-Green hair wig

-Black with Green tone Pants

-3 Katanas ( check on aliexpress )

– Zoro Earings

-Green Cloth Belt

-Black Shoes

Guide of Roronoa Zoro Cosplay Outfits

To make Zoro second outfit :

-Green hair wig

-White kimono with blue lines and blue wave lines at the bottom

-Dark Green Coat with sunny figures as decoration

-3 Katanas

-Zoro earings

-Geta shoes ( check on amazon )

Guide of Vinsmoke Sanji Cosplay Outfits

Sanji is the 4rd member that joined the Straw hat crew. Hes mainly outfits are suits and the unique kimono on Wano Country.

To buy directly Sanji suits from aliexpress ( click here ) or the kimono ( click here )

The Best Guide to One Piece Straw Hat Crew Cosplay! Anime-Manga Costumes

To make Sanji first outfit :

-Blonde hair wig ( or just die your hair )

-Classic 6 button suit

-Yellow or Blue shirt


-Classic black shoes

The Best Guide to One Piece Straw Hat Crew Cosplay! Anime-Manga Costumes

To make Sanji first outfit :

-Blonde hair wig ( or just die your hair )

-Yellow and white lines kimono

-Geta shoes ( check on amazon )

Guide of Usopp Cosplay Outfits

Usopp is the 3rd member that joined the crew.He too had many different outfits .

To buy directly Usopp outfits check the links ( check on aliepress ) ( check on aliexpress )

The Best Guide to One Piece Straw Hat Crew Cosplay! Anime-Manga Costumes

To make Usopp first outfit ( Sogeking costume ) :

-Sogeking mask ( check 3d model )

-Sogeking Kabuto (Slingshot )

-Red Coat

-Brown Jumper

-White Belt

-Blue and whit cuff in the left hand

-Brown shoes

-Brown Purse

Guide of Usopp Cosplay Outfits

To make Usopp second outfit :

-White hat

-Orange / Red Suspenders

-Blue and whit cuff in the right hand

-Brown Purse

-Light Brown Pants with white fur on top

-Brown shoes

-Swiming Orange Glasses

Guide of Nami Cosplay Outfits

Nami is one of the most popular characters from the series, and many fans have taken to cosplaying as her.

To buy directly Nami cosplay outfits check the links ( check on aliexpress ) ( check on aliexpress )

Guide of Nami Cosplay Outfits

To make Nami first outfit you need :

-White Tshirt with blue lines

-Yellow skirt with white lines circle but brown inside at the side

-Brown Sandals

-Wig or just dye your hair light brown

Guide of Nami Cosplay Outfits

To make Nami second outfit :

-Green Bikini with white lines

-Blue jeans

-Blue belt with B ( berry is the currency )


-Hand compass


Guide of Niko Robin Cosplay Outfit

Niko Robin is another female pirate that joined the Straw hat Crew.She is beautiful and wise. Like Nami she wore alot of outfits but we can’t show them all. Here is the best ( on our opinion ).

You can buy directly the outfit from amazon ( check on amazon )

Guide of Niko Robin Cosplay Outfit

To make Niko Robin outfit you need :

-Blue fashion jacket


-Pink Beach Towel Dress with flower decoration



Guide of Burukku Brook Cosplay Outfit

One of the most unique crew members is Brook the undead. The most beautiful character to cosplay.

You buy directly the outfit from amazon ( check on amazon )

Guide of Burukku Brook Cosplay Outfit

To make Burukku Brook cosplay outfit you need :

-Afro wig

-A blue suit

-A skeleton zentai suit to wear underneath

-Classic shoes

-Colombian necktie

Guide of Jimbei Cosplay Outfit

Jimbei is one of the few members that fights without the devil fruit power.Strong and ex captain is a amazing character to cosplay. To cosplay Jimbey outfit is not hard but the makup will be.

The Best Guide to One Piece Straw Hat Crew Cosplay! Anime-Manga Costumes

To make Jimbei cosplay outfit you need :

-A Kimono ( jimbei wore different colored kimonos )

-Cloak ( most of the time was red )

-Geta shoes ( check on amazon )

-A lot of makeup

-Jimbei Wig

Guide of Yamato Cosplay Outfit

Yamato was the last member to join the Straw hat crew. She is strong an a valid member .As the newest member we didn’t see her in any other outfits.

You buy directly the outfit from amazon ( check on amazon )

Guide of Yamato Cosplay Outfit

To make Yamato cosplay outfit you need :

-Kimono ( white and red )

-Big Waist Rope


-Geta shoes ( check on amazon )

-Yamato wig with horns


We hope that this guide has provided you with everything you need to know about One Piece crew cosplay. So, if you’re looking to join the ranks of the Straw Hat Pirates, then get ready to set sail with the ultimate guide to One Piece crew cosplay!

Whether you’re looking to dress up as your favorite character or create an entirely new costume, One Piece cosplay can be incredibly fun and rewarding. With the right materials, resources, and inspiration, you’ll be able to put together the perfect costume and have a fun and memorable experience. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start your cosplay adventure!