Kobeni Higashiyama is a character from the manga and anime series called “Engaged to the Unidentified” or “Mikakunin de Shinkoukei” in Japanese. She is the main protagonist of the series and a high school student who lives with her sister and grandparents.

Kobeni is known for being responsible and level-headed. Her life changes when she discovers that she is engaged to a boy named Hakuya Mitsumine, who is actually a fox spirit, and his younger sister Mashiro. The series follows Kobeni’s journey as she navigates her new life and relationships.

Kobeni Higashiyama School Cosplay Costume from Amazon

To make Kobeni Higashiyama School Cosplay Costume from Amazon you will need :

Kobeni Higashiyama Waitress Cosplay Costume from Amazon

To make Kobeni Higashiyama Waitress Cosplay Costume from Amazon you will need :

How to look like Kobeni Higashiyama – DIY Cosplay Costume

To cosplay Kobeni Higashiyama, you can start by mimicking her hairstyle, which is a short, layered cut with bangs.

You can also wear a school uniform similar to hers, which consists of a white button-up shirt, a black suit , black tie and white sneakers.

To complete the look, for makeup, keep it natural with a light foundation, pink blush, and a nude lip color. Remember that true beauty comes from within, so embrace your unique qualities and have fun with your cosplay!

How much will cost to make Kobeni Higashiyama Cosplay Costume

If you want to purchase the parts of Kobeni Higashiyama school costume from Amazon will costs around 105 $ and for the waitress costume around 115 $.

If you want to make the costume by your self will cost less becouse her dress is pretty easy to make with everyday cloths. We estimate to costs around 60-70 $

Kobeni Higashiyama Cosplay Costume for Halloween

Kobeni Higashiyama Story

She is a high school student who lives with her sister and grandfather. Kobeni is known for her short bob hairstyle with bangs, which has become iconic among fans.

In the series, Kobeni discovers that she is engaged to a boy named Hakuya Mitsumine, who is actually a supernatural being known as a “youmu.” As she navigates her new life with Hakuya and his family, she also struggles with her own feelings and insecurities.

Despite her initial reservations, Kobeni becomes close with Hakuya and his sister Mashiro, as well as her own family. She learns to embrace her unique qualities and becomes more confident in herself.

Kobeni’s story is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She shows that true beauty comes from within and that it’s important to embrace your own unique qualities. Her short bob hairstyle with bangs has become a popular cosplay choice, but it’s her inner strength and resilience that truly make her a beloved character among fans.